Welcome to our class pages. Class pages are used to extend what pupils’ are learning beyond the classroom and to further enhance the classroom provision. Teachers will showcase learning from both in and out of school on class pages, through the use of Twitter, and they are a platform for accessing and discussing learning. We also hope to extend this to learning collaboratively with other people, other schools and the wider community.
An exciting feature of the site is that it is accessible to the wider world, so we have the ability to connect to people from a wide range of backgrounds. However, no comments or posts will appear until they have been approved by a member of staff who can approve posts.
We have gained permissions from families for the use of photos of children. If you require a paper copy of anything please ask class teachers.
* Please note that since Twitter has changed to X feeds aren’t working correctly. To keep up to date with what your child is up to please follow our school Twitter feed as well as using SeeSaw and Dojo *